Full Subject Based Banding (Full SBB)
Our school was one of the FSBB Pilot schools which started offering Subject-Based Banding (SBB) in 2017. With SBB, students who offer most subjects at G1 or G2 are given the opportunities to offer subjects at a more demanding level from the start of Secondary One if they have performed well in these subjects at the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). This allows students to build a stronger foundation in subjects that they are good at, nurture their strengths and give them more opportunities throughout their educational journey, so that they are more engaged in learning.
Eligibility Criteria for SBB
Eligible students can offer English Language, Mother Tongue Languages, Mathematics and Sciences at a more demanding level based on their PSLE AL for each subject.

Other Opportunities to Participate in SBB
For students who did not meet the eligibility criteria for SBB at the start of Secondary One, they can still be considered for SBB if they do well in their learning in Secondary One.
Beyond the start of Secondary One, students may offer subjects at a more demanding level, based on their performance and schools’ holistic assessment.
Coping with More Demanding Level Subjects
The Lower Secondary curriculum is to be seen as a two-year block. Students are encouraged to continue with the subjects at more demanding level until the end of Secondary Two, as students need time to adjust to the different academic demands.
Our school will monitor the students’ progress in the more demanding level subjects and their overall progress in all subjects to evaluate if the student is ready to continue the subject at more demanding level at Upper Secondary.
Positive Feedback from Our SBB Students
SBB students in our schools have enjoyed the experience of taking subjects at a higher-level. Below are what some of them have shared with us in our end-year survey: