Local Transfers
Local transfers are contingent on availability of places in the specific level and stream. In general, transfers are processed at the beginning of the year to facilitate smoother integration and better learning for the student. No transfers will be accepted in the year of the national examinations (i.e. Secondary 4 and 5).
Secondary 1 transfers (after the S1 Posting Exercise) will only be considered if the student has met the CTSS Cut-Off Point (COP) for that year. Students who wish to transfer in to CTSS at the beginning of Secondary 2 or Secondary 3 are to submit an Application Form (available from the School’s General Office), with photocopies of their school results, and other academic and non-academic achievements. These documents should be submitted by end-October of the preceding year.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to sit for the School Placement Tests and a short interview, which will be conducted depending on the availability of vacancies.