
Our teachers:
Head of Department / Mathematics |
Low Liqing (Ms) |
Head of Department / Character & Citizenship Education |
Toh Siew Fang Jane (Mdm) |
Subject Head / Mathematics |
May Wee Yee Ing (Ms) |
Subject Head / Student Management |
Ang Hui Xia (Mdm) |
Senior Teacher / Mathematics |
Lau Ying Ying Doreen (Ms) |
Coordinator / Principles of Accounts |
Teo Wei Na (Mdm) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Chan Siew Kwai (Mr) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Cheong Poh Suan (Mrs) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Heng Hui Zhen (Ms) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Ma Yanjie (Ms) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Tan Chor Seng (Mr) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Tan-Wong Siew Har Winnie (Mrs) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Tan Ser Yong Philip (Mr) |
Teacher / Mathematics |
Tay Kai Ling Joyner (Ms) |
Teacher / Principles of Accounts |
Chan Bin Chuan (Mr) |
To nurture Independent Learners with an Analytical mind for Problem Solving who like to co-learn with others and appreciate the Relevance and Fun in Mathematics
Secondary 1 Mathematics Challenge DaySecondary 1 students are involved in activities that provides the experiential application of Mathematics. The students also learn through role-play with real-life issues such as banking loans, fixed deposits, online shopping and being mindful of online scams. There are areas on personal finance, financial terms and budgeting too. These hands-on activities enable them to experience the real-life application of Mathematics in everyday lives.
Secondary 3 Mathematics Enrichment ActivitiesSecondary 3 students are engaged in an interactive Life Long Learning (L3) Board Game. Through the game, students are provided a simulation of real-life situations so that they can learn to make education, career and financial decisions in a fun and risk-free setting. They will also learn other important concepts such as Purchasing a house, Buying a car, Savings, Insurances, Stocks, CPF and Economic cycle. Some key objectives of the Mathematics Enrichment include the importance of lifelong learning, Education & Career path and Financial Literacy.
All Singapore Secondary Mathematics Competition for Normal Course StudentsThe Mathematics Department organizes a national-level online Mathematics competition to stimulate greater interest and enrich students’ knowledge in Mathematics by providing an opportunity for Normal Course students to showcase their talent in Mathematical knowledge and skills through solving competition questions. The competition has been opened to all Normal Course students from all secondary schools in Singapore since 2009. A total of 825 students from 82 Secondary schools participated in the competition on 21 Jul 2022.
Talent Development Programme
Students with strong potential in Mathematics are identified early and
exposed to higher forms of Mathematical training beyond the curriculum.
They are provided with many opportunities to further stretch their abilities
in national-level competitions such as Singapore Mathematics Olympiads
and Singapore Mathematics Project Festivals and the Singapore Mathematical
Society (SMS) Essay Competition.
The Singapore Mathematical Project Festival is a nationwide event organized annually by the Singapore Mathematical Society to encourage students to explore Mathematics beyond the classroom work. Selected students worked on a project aimed at carrying out and presenting innovative and creative work in Mathematics. Students then presented their findings in a report and an oral presentation.
In the Singapore Mathematical Society (SMS) Essay Competition, where the objective of the competition is to expose students to various topics that are related to mathematics. Such topics could be related to the history, applications or other aspects of mathematics. For example, the theme of the 2022 competition was "Mathematics and Environmental Sustainability".

Award Name |
Award Type |
2024 Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO)
Junior Category 1 Bronze, 11 Honourable Mentions Senior Category: 2 Bronze, 6 Honourable Mentions Open Category 2 Honourable Mentions SMO School Commendation Award - Category 1
Singapore International Mathematical and Computational Challenge 2024 |
Team Award Top 5 in Most Creative Problem and Solution

Ms Liu Jiazhen Adeline